During my spare time, I enjoy doing some science communication and participating in public outreach events.
I am a member of the editorial and director boards of Papier Mâché, association providing a website for the dissemination of scientific publications, in French. Our goal is to make them accessible and understandable to all French speakers. Follow us on Facebook and Linkedin to learn about our most recent articles!
I wrote a “papier mâché” in 2021, entitled “Le confinement 2.0 : comment la localisation de certaines molécules impacte la capacité des cellules à communiquer”. It summarizes the work from Thillaiappan et al. on the influence of the location of IP3R clusters on calcium activity. You can find it here (in French).
“Has’art” © Audrey Denizot. Photography illustrating the randomness of the reactions that I model, represented here with dice in movement.
I have been an active member of the French public outreach and science communication association DéMesures from 2017-2020. The aim of the association is to raise awareness of the importance of scales in science and humanities and to awaken critical thinking of the young and general public. Check out their Facebook and YouTube accounts for recent updates on their activities.
Photography taken during an event organized by DéMesures in 2019, presenting an exhibition of ‘Mystery Science Pictures’ entitled “Mémoire”.
During my time at DéMesures, I co-organized the following projects:
- Podcasts on topics relating science to society, in collaboration with Radio Brume and Science pour Tous. This project led to the recording of three podcasts on privacy on the internet, transhumanism and biomimicry (in French).
- ArtScience, in collaboration with la Taverne Gutenberg and ENS Lyon university, which led to an exhibition in ENS Lyon in 2019. You can find the work of the artist and scientist I was working with and myself here.
- Cosmograff, in collaboration with Lyon’s science museum, the Musée des Confluences, ENS Lyon university and the street artist association Superposition. This project led to an exhibition combining art and science on the solar system and its spatial scales. This exhibition has been presented in the steets of Lyon during the science festival “Fête de la Science” in 2018 and the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science in 2019. You can see the scientific and artistic panels and listen to the associated audioguides here (English available).
- Instant Recherche, which aims at presenting the daily life of scientists, in French. You can find the interviews here.